At FoodNest we are committed to delivering professional and high-quality services. The client comes always in the first line of our interests. We try to put the client close to the supplier, so that any special needs must be provided, and any requests must be personalized according to her/his perspective. The focus is thus addressed to the customer as a centre point from which the other chains of relations mushroom. We believe that the client must not only be satisfied but must always be on our side while mentioning anything about internationally imported brands of foods and beverages. The motto hence is that the client is a marketing asset.

Our team is very determined to deliver the best services of import to the local market. Since we also do distribution, this renders us always near to the client to approach his mindset and scrutinize the way (s)he looks at the products we deliver to her/him.

We are always curious to conduct research about the local market; in particular, we conduct research aiming to dig up the deeps of what is groining on inside the customer’s
mind, how (s)he prefers food and beverage products be made available in the market, how (s)he shares enthusiasm about the products with friends and relatives, etc.

Another key feature of our philosophy is that we are always fulfilling the changes and the new needs to solidify the image we build since the first day concerning the product’s quality. This makes us always alert to follow up with our supplier regarding the quality, timing, presentation, and availability of the products we deliver to the market.

These values at FoodNest yield a strategy that a satisfied and happy customer is the best business plan ever. This is why we always optimize our clients’ satisfaction via surveying the bridge between our capabilities and his expected requirements.

“A loyal customer is a very satisfied customer. If not satisfied, according to a psychological determined set of requirements and expectations, the customer will leave the company after bad experiences with the quality, services, and availability of products in the market.”

CEO, FoodNest.